
-“The Young King and His Jester”2-

Welcome back.
What had happened thus far..
You are a king. A lonely young king.
And you just started your day.
You adjust yourself onto the throne. You adjusted your mantle. You set your hands on your lap, sitting formally. You then start humming a soft tune. You do this every morning because it’s nice. You closed your eyes, and continue to hum to small melodic tune. The sun was slowly rising, the rays of the sun shining in through the windows, lightening up the castle. It then cast a shadow. Someone was standing behind one of the pillars in the throne room. The shadow looked.. funky looking. You look at it, and you recognize who it is. It is Wally. The kingdom’s jester. The fool. He is about your age. You call him to come in your presence. He grins and walks, revealing his presence and leaving the shadows. The bells on his shoes making little jingle noises as he walked. He had a huge grin. You thought it was odd. But didn’t mind. He went down on one knee, and bowed his head down to you, bowing his head down, and taking his hat off in a good manner. He exclaimed, “Such beautiful music that makes from your mouth, your majesty! Such music is pleasant to the ears.” Wally laughs in a weird way, and had a crooked smile. You said good morning to him, bowing your head down a bit. Wally, your jester, is the only one other than yourself who stays in the throne room most of the time. He talks to you all the time. He talks a lot. Too much. You sigh. You thank him for the compliment. He blinks, and grins, his weird pupil turning into a star shaped shape. He grabs some balls, and began to juggle them in his hands, as he looked at you. “Ya knowww… it would be really nice if I could- just ONE day, smear a smile on your face.. everyone’s forgotten when that last time you smiled was!!” Wally exclaimed, and laughs, juggling the balls. You frown a bit. Wally may be a pain in the neck, but he was right. You haven’t smiled since.. forever. Since your parents have deceased. Everything changed that day. You shake off the thoughts, and sigh. Because of this.. a few days ago, the maids were getting pretty worried for you, and decided to hire a jester. That’s how Wally came into this castle. Pretty bad decision. He wouldn’t leave you alone at all. You look at the little desk next to the throne you were sitting on. There was a bell. You pick up the bell and shake it side to side a bit, making a ringing bell noise. The maids come in with some tea, and gently put it on the desk. They then leave, and gently close the door behind. You gently pick up the tea cup, staring at it. You slowly put it towards your mouth, and began to take small sips. The tea had a fragrant and lovely taste. You felt like falling asleep on your throne. Now you regret asking for tea. Wally was still juggling balls. He then tossed them all in the air, and made them explode into confetti, and he stood with his arms out to the side, in a ‘tadaaa’ victory pose. He grins a lot. He then walks towards the throne and just sits beside the throne. “So then, your majesty… what say you? What will you be doing today??” You told him you would probably be doing activities not including him. Wally put on a silly frowny face and playfully poked your cheek and said, “Hahaaaa, you’re not niceee!!” He laughed, smiling. You didn’t smile back. It was just a dead looking face. You gently put down the teacup, and wipe your lips with the handkerchief. Wally sits on the ground next to your throne, just talking. And talking. And talking. You would rather die than listen to him talk for all his life. He was noisy, and he annoyed you at times. You grumble a bit, and then stand up. Wally stops talking and looks up at you, and stands up as well. He asks, “Where are you goin, your majesty??” You command him to stay in the throne room. He just nods, and sits on the ground, playing with the little bells on his outfit. You sigh. You leave the throne room, and head towards the royal dining hall. The walls were high, and there were paintings hung around. There were many royal maids and cooks in the kitchen, making some breakfast for you. There was always a lovely, honey-like fragrance in the air whenever you enter here every morning. You politely sit down on your seat. The maids come over and serve you some food, putting some puffy and soft waffles on your plate. It was then topped with some honey syrup. You thank the maid, and the maid nods and heads back to the kitchen. There were many breakfast food on the table, but you don’t plan on eating it all. You eat how much you could, which want much. You then look around the dining hall. The maids and the cookers were in the kitchen, so you were just alone in the dining room. You quickly take a piece of toast and quickly spread some jam on the bread. You then stand up and casually but formally walk out of the dining hall, hiding the bread with jam in his mantle. You returned to the throne room, and quietly closed the door. You walked to your throne. Wally saw him and waved, smiling. You slowly take out the bread spread with jam and hand it to him. You are sure that Wally hasn’t eaten so you gave him it. Wally gasps and smiles, and accepts it smiling. He began to eat it. He said, in a muffled chewy voice, “Yknow, your majesty.. you don’t have to keep sneaking me food each time…. I’m all good!!” He smiles and continues to eat the toast with jam. You always secretly bring food to him because everyone else in the castle doesn’t respect lower commoners, including Wally. You felt a bit bad that the maids and cooks here don’t give him food. You gently sit at your throne, and watched Wally eat.
(Hehe we now meet Wally!! <:3)

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the oc looks like freak of nature's art style

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