
THE TRUTH Chapter 3 (part 3) - A REASON TO LIVE

Alone... only used by greed and selfishness, I woke up every day in a vault and then was forced to eat the leftovers of my superiors, I wish I hadn't met that witch...
She gave me the power to turn everything I touch into gold, one good thing is that I can decide if I want what I touch to turn into gold...
Then the emperor took me with him and made me his slave so that I could make him super powerful with his wealth created by my power... I was used and mistreated for years
I didn't have a name because my parents had abandoned me when I was a baby, and my superiors called me Goldy just because of my damn power.
I couldn't take it anymore and I escaped, but everyone was chasing me, I didn't have anyone who wanted to protect me because everyone was blinded by their damned greed, I could only run.
I was already drying out in the great desert of my home, I couldn't take it anymore, I was missing food and water, I just lay down and waited for my end... Then I woke up on a small sheet, in a large "white world", Next to me was someone strange, I was so scared that I screamed, the guy next to me was equally scared and ended up throwing a pot of food that he was preparing.
The scared guy said while shaking
-W-what do you mean?!, what gold are you talking about?-
I stayed silent for a while, it was strange that he didn't lock me up to get my gold.
-... Why didn't you lock me in a vault?-
The subject looked confused and said
-Why I should do that?-
I just looked at him with some anger and doubt, I asked him...
-What is that plate with food?-
He just looked at the set and turned to see me.
-Well... I saw that you were very bad, I don't know how you appeared, at first I was scared to see you because I didn't want you to kill me, But I saw that you were in a very bad state, so I treated you and cured some wounds and infections that you had... By the way, why do you have so many bruises?

I just remembered everything that had happened before and I just told him
-I escaped from my superiors because they used me for my powers and treated me badly when I didn't do what they ordered me to do-
He was just surprised and asked
-But why did they use you?-
I just started crying while I told him
-The thing is that I can touch anything I touch in gold if I want, and my superiors used me every day to increase their wealth, but it is very difficult for me to convert things into gold... I needed my fats to be able to turn things into gold, but they used me so much that my fats ran out and I was always weak and couldn't move, that's why they punished me with lashes, cuts or hits... I have been very sad and depressed for a long time, so much so that I have tried to turn myself into gold to kill myself, but I couldn't, I had nothing to kill myself with that was within my reach-
He just stayed silent, and told me
-.... I feel very sorry for you... but don't worry, I'm not going to do anything bad to you-
I couldn't trust him, I looked around and asked him
-... What is this place?-
He just looked into the vast void and said
-The truth is I don't know either, I was walking through a forest after escaping from humans when I tripped on a bush and fell here in a strange way, my head only hurt and I saw only white, I walked and walked and then i find you-
I just looked down and asked him
-I can trust in you?-
He just approached me and gave me a hug while telling me
-You can trust me... Excuse me, what was your name?-
I said...
-my name is Goldy, I don't like that name that much, but it's the only one I have, and what is yours?-
He said while showing a small smile.
-my name is Toby Koth-
It was at that moment that I felt like I had someone to trust after many years of loneliness and torture, I felt a strange feeling of "happiness" inside me, I felt like I finally had a reason to live and not to die...

Meanwhile, Justin was waiting for Goldy, making him some food while humming a song that brought back vague memories before arriving at the Darkworld. A few knocks on the door sounded and Justin turned to look saying
-Who is it?-
A half-broken and silent woman's voice sounded through the door. She said
-I'm Goldy, and I found Carl, let me in-
He opened the door and let Goldy in. Justin asked
-Okay... I already have the preparations, I just need Carl... Goldy?-
She just stared at him for a few seconds, she had a strange and somewhat sinister look. Then she said
-Oh, I left it out, I forgot to put it in... Yeah... Wait for me...-
Justin just went back to doing his thing while waiting for Goldy. But he noticed that she had been taking longer than she should for a single body.
-What is she doing, why is it taking so long?-
Justin came out and just looked at Goldy's back, he said out loud
-Goldy what the hell are you doing, and why are you behaving in such a weird way?-
She just started to squirm slowly while saying
-stupid... you just fell... I finally found you again Justin...-
Justin could only see Goldy's body slowly falling while another one got up from her
The figure that emerged from Goldy's body turned to look at Justin and said
-Don't you recognize me? It seems like you need to think more-
(He was Tonx)
Justin just quickly closed the door, grabbed the pencil and went to the top of the lighthouse and started drawing stairs so he could find a way to escape, He felt the light although he did not see it, when he felt that he was already at the top he quickly made a big hammer and broke part of the Darkworld...

Toby and P.Toby were walking along one of the edges of Whiteworld when P.Toby said
-I see something there...-
Toby just looked at P.Toby excitedly saying
P.Toby just points his finger at some little doodles that were on the wall
-is it a text?-
Toby looked closer trying to decipher the text but he couldn't either.
-I couldn't, I'm sorry-

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