I literally punched her slimy ass body and it fell out of the attic window

And she is bleeding and still angry
And we had to put her in a big box taped shut
Also she was chubby AF
And we had to take a picture of the box and make a website called the "Slug-site"
So the background is black with pictures of the box 32 times and we added a "Purchase the snail?" Button
So the box was only a free thing to deliver that ugly ass friend
A delivery guy wanted to deliver it so my sister which is the size as the box was delivered and she got it at 3 am and she is Filipino like my friend Vincent
And then my sis opened it and BOOM
It was my friend
And she decided to act in a strange literal behavior towards her
So my bestie that is ugly AF just went in her bedroom and got in the closet and peeled her ugly ass slug body
It was a meaty version of her slug ass body but way more bigger as the box
So the closet can be shut but the yellow slimy ahh pieces can be seen under the bed
So my sister went to bed and she put cameras in the rooms all by herself
So then the closet half-likely opened with red glowing dots
And then literally long black hair came out of the black shady thingy and then there was literally loud wailing my sister can't hear
And it was sloshing mayonnaise noises playing
And then that meaty ass thingy became a literal ubume that became a human
And then it crawled out of the closet and crawled in the TV
And the TV screen turned on by static and my sis woke up
And then the ubume crawled out of the TV and the ubume cried and it's hair literally wrapped around itself
And then my sister picked up the long hair
And she throwed it towards under the bed
And the yellow slimy ahh pieces magically moved and sticked to the hair
And it became a hair mix
With slug spots
And it magically formed into a robot;-;


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