A Pyr0M4n14c

No. But seriously

I'm concerned
I'm actually not hearing well at all
Everything sounds faint and my ear is ringing
And when it rings, I usually get a sharp pain. It feels like someone shoving a sharpened pencil down my ear canal
I don't know if that happens to other people with Microtia or if it's just a me thing, but JESUS it hurts-
I'm definitely not telling my mom because I don't wanna go to the doctors, because I hate doctors
And if I go deaf, then doctors will HAVE to give me surgery to either give me a hearing aid or give me a fake ear
But if we're doing that, we have to go to the states because our doctors are a waste of time and money. And I know we definitely don't have the money to go to another country.
Life is peachy, isn't it?


1 years ago   16 浏览量   1 框架



Wel in that case..


1 years ago   回复
  Gabrielfeitob 5

My left ear hurts some times

1 years ago   回复

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