
Funny story

I got expelled once for saying"school shooter"and got my chrome book taken alr,
So it was core 3 in school and we had a substitute teacher that day so me and some of my kinda friends are looking up stuff on our computers and me not knowing the school rules types up school shooter memes and autistic kid memes and this didn't effect me at that time so we go on later that day.

I'm in core 4 now and it's the end of the day when I suddenly get a phone call to get called to guidance I didn't know what was going on and one of the guidance lady tell me what going on that I'm in trouble and speak to the vice principal mr.prahst and he told me about how bad it is to search up these things and I wasn't worried about the whole issue but I was worried about them calling my parents because I don't want them to be mad at me so I burst down into tears.

And after a while of calming down I go and turn in my chromebook holding back tears and when I get back to my class to wait out the day my freinds tell me iss is not that bad but I was working about my parents because I had always wanted them to be proud of me since they are always kind to me so I'm waiting for my car in the car rider line and waiting for what I was going to get from my parents I get in the car and they ask me what's wrong because they haven't been called yet so I tell them that I got iss tomorrow and they are understanding about the situation.

They get the call later and since mr.prahst read that I was searching he downgraded my sentence to OSS for one day.

Moral of the story:don't type school shooter at home.


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