
Serenity Hydrangea (New Oc)

01-05-24} 🌺 #SerenityHydrangea
Serenity Hydrangea :
Mythical Draft Horse
(Was a Percheron Horse before)
More flexible and stronger than a normal/draft horse

Character: Serenity Hydrangea is a mystical draft horse who used to be a Percheron. She stands tall and proud, with a majestic aura surrounding her and strong muscular build and a shimmering coat that glistens like crystals in the sunlight. Her coat is a unique shade of grey with hints of pink, giving her a mystical and ethereal appearance catching the eye of anyone who crosses her path. Her piercing grey eyes have a calming effect on those who look into them.

Growth and Change:
Serenity Hydrangea's transformation not only changed her physical appearance but also her mindset. As a Percheron horse, she was strong and powerful but also reserved and serious. However, in this new form, she has become more in tune with her emotions and has a newfound sense of compassion and empathy. She has also learned to harness her magical abilities and is constantly growing and evolving in her understanding of them.

She has gained a deeper understanding of magic and its power to bring change and maintain balance. She has also learned to use her strength and abilities for the greater good and not just for her own personal gain. Serenity Hydrangea has grown into a wise and compassionate leader who is highly respected by all who know her.

Over time, Serenity Hydrangea has become a beacon of hope and positivity in the forest. She uses her powers to help those in need, whether it be healing injured animals or bringing rain to drought-stricken areas. Her presence has brought a sense of serenity and peace to the once troubled forest, and she continues to work towards her goal of spreading love and harmony throughout the Myth Celestial.

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