
Tears [A Analogue Horror Short made by The Creators of DilbertDingus Series..]


Idea for name - Jack stauber [oh Oklahoma] - first line : tears,

Idea for Horror short - Analogue Horror Shorts

What is analogue horror?;

Analogue Horror is a Series of pictures or creepy images, I prefer Mandela catalogue as it Feutures Alternates, alternates are Weirdly Hurt or Disabled or Wicked or Broken And Shattered People, they represent normal people but weird, and also Prefer Man in the suit Godzilla analogue horror cause it's based of a real story of a person who loved Godzilla so much that he became obsessed and got locked..


For a fun, Scary , video,

Why I'm sorry?:

It's A Pleasure of Deleting my old channel [zoombiethedead]

Why hello?:

This was supposed to be my first and ever anime but I decided to make this just a analogue horror cause I was going for a Childish series other than a analogue horror

What is this about:

Tears, just tears And gore and Scrubbed faces.

Cause that's the name of the Short..

How Hard did you make this?:

Really hard on the idea but then I chosed Oh klahoma by jack stauber.

Who is jackstauber?:

A horror Artist who Draws horror musical songs or horror musical operas and horror musical films, I recommend opal most, it represents the Cause of child neglect and Escapism.

The end

4 months ago   18 views   84 frames


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