🎀 . Mewwi ”

Shut up lol

Vent shit that I'm going to delete

Did I asked you for help? No. Did I asked your opinion, neither. Then shut the fuck up, I don't care about your advises and your "I'm a very honest person" You don't have a bit of empathy with me. The worst thing for me is that you tell me your "advice" to my face without a filter but then you are afraid of hurting other people, bitch, what the fuck. You say that you are literally throwing a stone at me because "I worry abt you 🥺", yes, I know, but I didn't ask for your help and now, your way of giving help is not the corresponding way that I have. I don't want you to lie to me but I don't want you to be very sincere either, just shut up, shut up, don't tell me anything, nothing, and if you want to tell me something don't say "I was going to tell you but no, you'll feel bad" Daughter of your fucking mother, the only thing you're doing by saying that is literally creating tremendous anxiety because my mind will be trying to decipher or think what I did wrong or what happened to make you mad. And by the way understand that I can't be with you all the time either, I spend 6-7 hours of class with you, understand that I have more friends or I even want to be alone without telling you what's wrong with me, as a human need, I also need to be alone in class or talk to other people, but literally today you got sad/angry because instead of being with you I was with other people in the break time, just the break time, just that, and then when I say that I didn't know what to say at that moment because I always think that my opinions or words are wrong, you told me that you were going to tell me something but that it was going to hUrT mE, besides, you told me that if you told me everything you thought I would be crying in a corner, there is no need to rub it in my face that I am a fucking sensitive bitch who doesn't even raise her voice. Waaaaaaa shut the fuck up just that :3


1 years ago   94 views   1 frames   6 Like



mejor mándala al carajo y dile sus verdades de manera de chiste como ejemplo "esa perra se parece a ti jaja, naaaaaaa solo bromeo :3" eso siempre hago a finales de escuela (noviembre 14 a diciembre 15, eso también depende del país) y ya :D pero jamas te calles

1 years ago   Reply

Holy damn dude. Hope you're feeling alright. I also hope that whoever you were writing about gets the message and shuts the fuck up

1 years ago   Reply
  AnimeMaker Shows

Damn :(

1 years ago   Reply

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