Scruffy Revival

A speech

Humanity shall always move fowards. It shall move into new eras of victory, and failure, it will move fowards into hope, and regret, but by all means, humanity shall move fowards. For there may be some who would only wish to see us fail, as long as those who wish to better humanity stand up. We shall all move fowards into a new age of conquest and hope. For all though hope may seem to be lost in these times, as long as atleast one man has hope, the world can be changed. As long as we fight for what is right, as long as we fight for Truth, Justice, and the American way. Humanity shall move fowards. Within the short span of 66 years, we have gone from inventing the first flying machine, to sending man to the moon. In one lifetime we invented flight and invented the Saturn 5. And this was all causes via humanity moving forward, it has been caused by men just like you and me striving to help the future generations. Striving to push forwards Mankind. But all good that I have spoken of is being slowly poisoned by the venom of beasts, Racists, anti-semetics, pedophiles, Communists, Neo-nazis, Confederates, and many more fools. We must squash these people out of mankind, we must not let ourselves forget the past, we must do what our fathers, our grandfathers, and even our great-grandfathers did. We must fight, we must fight against those who wish to squander mankind. We must not sit in the backwash of humanity, but be those who make the waves. We must fight and organize! We must make unions and groups to fight against those who trespass against mankind, we must not leave those who commit heinous crimes to go unpunished. We must fight. Fight for the progress of Mankind. So I ask you my Americans, black or white, Christian or Athiest, tall or short. To fight against oppressive forces. Never let your rights be stolen by the beasts I spoke of for if the rights of even one man are taken away, how different are we from oppressors?


1 years ago   5 views   1 frames


  Scruffy Revival

For now my Brother in Christ. I must leave.

1 years ago   Reply
  Scruffy Revival


When I mentioned "next In life" I meant later in this current life. And My grandfather was an Episcopalian priest so naturally, my father is Episcopalian, and then So was I. I am religious because I believe that the Lord shall watch over his men and protect them, he will watch over and protect those who Believe without seeing him, and he too will believe in those who do not believe in him. And knowing this fact allows me to have motivation.

1 years ago   Reply

Scruffy Revival

“If” “if” how about what is.

1 years ago   Reply


Think, think, think, Who are you right now, why do you think in “if I am” or “should’ve” “could’ve” would’ve” why aren’t you comedic, why would you be so sure?, why even think about what you’re next life is going to be when you haven’t finished this one , though I do not knock you for believing in what you believe in you can have the freedom to Believe in anything, from when you are born to who you are now you are the collections of you’re environment and the expiernces you’ve had which you thought of to have a perception on which then leads to assumptions in your current life even in what you believe in you must ask yourself Am I religious because I was raised in a household around it and other questions towards yourself to gain the self awareness to cultivate yourself

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Scruffy Revival


I think about religion and what I believe in. I think about if I am comedic, I think about what I shall do next in life, I think about how I can improve. For I know I am not a perfect person, and I never shall be. But I can always try to look in upon myself and change my ways, for now I think I have some things figured out in life. Others I do not. And the 4 foundations I have are as follows; 1:The 10 Ammendments are things that shall never be taken away from a man, 2:Believe in the Lord, for In him I shall find salvation, 3:A man is not to be judged by his skin nor clothes, his religion or sexuality, or his political stance. You should only judge a man by his actions, and 4:Use and power that I hold only for good and never for evil.

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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