
Hey guys…

So I might quit
Buttttttt I might not I really shouldn’t be saying that because I’m not sure what I’m doing yet..
But at the moment I’m gonna take a break from AnimeMaker thank you for understanding
I will still be online today to answer some questions u may have today and I will gladly answer :)

5 months ago   28 浏览量   1 框架   2 喜欢


  𝔑𝔦𝔨𝔷 !! <3

Nice drawing
Oh OK :/

5 months ago   回复
  [°>~MooN WolF~<°]♊/☆🎹

:[ At least you won't quit completely :[

5 months ago   回复


Hey buddy
Im doing fine…u?

5 months ago   回复 (1)

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