So you may be wondering why I’ve been gone for 2 weeks.
Well😭 I got a story for you so sip your tea and get ready…
So I’ve been living in The Mojo Dojo Casa House with my bri’ish father Ken as you may have remembered from my British rants. Well one day I saw the most BEAUTIFUL Lady, her name was Courtland Gentry (Court Gentry aka Sierra Six aka The Gray man from the hit box office Netflix flop). I knew right there and then I had to propose. 1 week into the realitionship and everything was perfect! I couldn’t have wished for more 😀 until one day… I came back from beating Shadows ass in Fortnite AND WHO DO I SEE COURT GENTRY WITH? MY BEAUTIFUL AND TRUSTING WIFE?… I SEE HER WITH MY DAD. THATS FUCKING RIGHT LADS SHE CHEATED ON ME WITH MY DAD KEN. IM FURIOUS. IM RUNNING TO GET THE DIVORCE PAPERS RIGHT NOW FUCK YOU COURT GENTRY HOW DARE YOU TAKE THE BRITISH NAME 🤬🤬🤬🤬 I don’t know if I can forgive my father after these events.. please tell me in comments if I should
Anyways😌 Happy Valentines fellas 😘💖 don’t be like me and get CHEATED ON 😭😭
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