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8 months ago   4 views   6 frames   1 Like




Thanks a lot I really appreciate it

6 months ago   Reply (1)

Also if you have a question about ANYTHING, be sure to ask.

8 months ago   Reply


Meeting new people and building relationships with them is one of THE most important skills you can have in life. Once you get a bit better at drawing, having a group of people to both support you and point out the flaws in your art work is very important. You might miss a flaw in your art completely that someone else can see more apparently. A group of friends who are also artist will go along way in motivating you to draw as well.

As you are 9, every year you age you will simply naturally get better as long as your drawing atleast a little bit. But don't let being limited by your age stop you. There are better artist than me who are around your age.

For the shadows and faces I'll just link you the videos I personally like.

That guy has a bunch of other good tutorials if you want to learn aswell.

Also since you are drawing with your fingers on here, make sure to zoom in to have better looking lines.

8 months ago   Reply


I love your enthusiasm!

It's impossible to be considered the best artist ever by everyone. There will always be people who perfer a different kind of art and think a different person is better. However it's possible to be considered ONE of the best of a specific catagory.

Also becoming the best is a very far away goal. You won't be motivated to go for your goal after awhile because you will be progressing so slowly towards it. Try breaking it up into a ton of smaller goals. You will feel satisfaction after completing each smaller goal, motivating you to try more.

The most important part is have fun drawing. If you start to hate it you will be miserable trying to become the best.
For now try drawing ANYTHING, no matter how badly, and learn how to make improvements on it no matter how minor.
Also drawing EVERY day, even for only 10 minutes, and focusing on the drawing, you will improve trust me.
To be continued in a second half

8 months ago   Reply

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