AM Interviews #4: A.A Talks Mental Health “for anyone going through hardships at the moment…”
Good Evening AnimeMaker I Am your host sir_Womble here with our guest the ever Flaming Hot A.A!
sir_Womble Q1: A.A how have things been since the Animator Clash for you?
A.A: things have been going great! I've been improving in basically anything I've set my eyes and motives on like animating, sketching, drawing, etc!
sir_Womble: That’s great to hear! I’ve been setting my eyes on a raging fire too just don’t hoping you don’t get too close to me so I don’t end up being roasted duck
sir_Womble Q2: how have you been mentally so far and what would you say for anybody going through tough times right now?
A.A: as for anyone going through hardships at the moment, stay strong, stay brave, and most importantly, stay flamin' you'll burn through these hardships like nothing, so don't give up now!
A.A: with changing times, come changing moods I haven't really been the most consistent person when it comes to mental health and stuff like that but it always got better eventually
This has been AnimeMaker Interviews with our Guest A.A and your host sir_Womble I thank you for your time and bless you and enjoy you wonderful community.
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