AM Interviews Channel

AM Interviews 15# ANIMATOR BREAKs LEG: šŸš«peepšŸš« on the coolest thing they can do with a BROKEN LEG.

Good Evening everybody This is AnimeMaker Interviews Channel I am your host sir_Womble here today with šŸš«peepšŸš« who just a devastating roller blade injury and has broken their leg!
ā€Øsir_Womble Q1: Tell me what will life look for you for the next few days?

šŸš«peepšŸš«: I have to go to a orthopedic doctor to see if I need a cast. Iā€™m gonna be out of school for the next few days or until Iā€™m okayed to go back to school. Iā€™m not supposed to move around too much. I have a splint on right now and it kinda uncomfortable but I can finally turn my leg left and right and move it around with more ease.

sir_Womble: Quite the circumstance your in right now I havenā€™t seen someone be in a Pickle that big since I ate chicken at a vegans anonymous meeting And as for our last question,

sir_Womble Q2: What is the Coolest thing you can do while your leg is broken?

šŸš«peepšŸš«: Honestly, idk itā€™s only been like three days. I get to skip chores tho and this also means that I donā€™t have to do gym when I get back to school šŸ˜‹

sir_Womble: And theoretically this means youā€™re pretty much the most skilled person alive because after all they do say ā€œbreak a legā€ to indicate Talent so youā€™re pretty much there!

sir_Womble: This has been AnimeMaker Interviews with šŸš«peepšŸš« I am your host sir_Womble have a blessed day everyone!

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