Sketch post 11
Simple sketch of more Oh Kangwoo,, 🫶 if you seen my main I've posted abt this crazu mf like 2 or 3 times lol,, love him,,
BUT SADLY THIS MAMWHA WENT ON A HIATUS FOR MONTGS AND WHEN IT RETURNED THE FUCKING ARTSTYLE CHANGEDDDD GAHHH- it looked so unique before and now it looks like those genetic artstyles or whachamacallit, its not bad tho,, but fortunately it kinda seems like this new artist is trying to copy the og artstlyle to the best of their ability so I'm fine for now lol,, 🫶
I've it happen to quite a lot tho,, but I just hope the og artists are okay tho-
11 months ago 15 views 1 frames 8 LikeDraw your original anime with iOS/Android App!