Hello and goodbye
Hello I am comictime you might remember me you might not I haven’t posted in almost a year so I wouldn’t blame you I’m here to say my final goodbyes and somethings I’ve learned from this app/site first I’m not gonna say I am glad I came here but I’m not saying it was a bad experience more so a bad way to kick start my life on the internet I meant some friends here but sadly none of them are still with me today which if you are a person I’ve talked to and wanted to talk again with me I’d be glad to send you my discord in a whiteboard or something another thing is that this place has changed a lot since I left and for better or for worse a lot of new people have hopped on this app/site and lots and LOTS of older users have vanished and it sadness me to see it happen though I’m not going to say this place didnt deserve it’s downfall it’s not safe nor moderated properly but it was a home for me and many others if your new here and just so happened to stumble apon my lil goodbye note then I’m just gonna say it don’t stay here very long it isn’t great there are far better options and even if I don’t know you I know you deserve better then this there are plenty of community’s who host art events and whiteboards on discord one last thing is I’ll be checking the comments on this post for a lil while till I go for good deleteing the app and saving me 400 megabytes I’m not sad I’ll never see this place again in fact I’m relieved I’m not gonna be burdened with this weight of my past and with that I’ve been comictime have a good one and remember this was only temporary
10 months ago 6 views 2 framesDraw your original anime with iOS/Android App!