The evil twin (157 cult)

Nyocardic gemstone [living host]

If a nyocardic gemstone has the right conditions inside of a living host it does something different.
First off dont try this' this is stupid to do this to yourself.
Second of the gemstone will remove most of the pain even though its not on purpose it helps the gemstone anyways.
This helps the gemstone by making the hosts first instinct not to remove the stone.
[Dosen't work most of the time]
after 1 day of being in the host it will grow roots [5 millimeter ]
It is unknown why it stops here but its probably because the gemstones sentience knows of the existence of pain.
after 1 month it can see and at this stage the gemstone cannot be removed.
After 2 months is will start taking to the brain and its gole here is to try and make the host protect the gem.
[Even though it cant be removed it can still die]
After 7 months it will start bleeding in the Mouth [its unknown why it does this]
[Last for 1.5 hours]
After 10 months it will start makeing the host paralyzed
And then control it [ parallelization is like sleep paralysis]
After one year the gem dies and the person gets control back.

1 months ago   2 views   1 frames


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