Well this account has become quiet again ,, maybe quitting next year ,, but I always come back
Only one or two people only talk to me on this account
Used to be a lot of people but they all quit
Most of my friends think I quit since I've been disappearing off the app many times
I'm becoming an adult soon and I will not be using this app often I will not be online that much ,, then I'll end up getting about anybody cuz I have a habit of forgetting everything , and every friend I have I will forget about it
I'm not lying it happens ,, so I may quit the app but I'll still have my account and the app I'll just not use it until I feel like it ,,, no I enjoy drawing making stories and conversations some people are here are really good people I appreciate y'all being nice to me saying I have good art a good talent I appreciate all that , thank you so much for being good friends ,,, ❣️ ,,, but sometimes I got to go move on so one day I won't be on the app for probably a year or more ,, I'm sorry but one day I'll leave but don't worry I always come back , I'll be 21 when I come back ,, please don't be sad if I leave I'm not going to be gone forever ,, I will come back I promise
I'm going to be in the military somewhere in my country
Or probably be working in a job and family business
Trust me I really like this app a lot of art and drawings and fun and memories I always had and people that cared I had bad times and Good times
God says treat your neighbor like they're your brother and sister we are all brothers and sisters in this world we are all family and friends and our father the Lord
It's okay if y'all don't believe in that it's your choice I like spreading the word of the Lord ,, it is always good to have a friend and someone that cares about you and I like the fact that people try to make other people happy and cheer them up , good people ,,
Well one more year I leave the app but I'll come back soon please y'all don't cry ,,, 😢
8 months ago 10 views 4 frames 2 LikeDraw your original anime with iOS/Android App!