Holy ✝️ Mr.London,✝️, carto...

The reason I draw emptiness is just how I feel,,,,,, I won't be online much longer ,,,, do I even exist on this app anymore

I'm not doing this to get attention I'm just telling everyone how I feel right now
They push the join every day and I only really confused nobody really talks to me anymore ,, no comments I just get ignored but I understand people are busy and don't got time to talk to anybody and everyone is quitting the app. , right now I'm starting to lose friends one by one
Doing friends I have is some people online in real life I don't have any friends sadly it seems like the only people I talk to the most is online I don't know anybody
Real life I just have no friends only a family
I understand every time I talk just like a paragraph I can't help it I talk too much and no wonder some people think I'm annoying ,, I'm sorry if I ever done anything wrong
I'm aware that nobody read this and just send one like always but I have to get used to it time comes we get busy and we don't got time to talk to anyone I understand
I feel sad when I talk online realizing I don't have any friends in their life just online think about that ,,, you're talking to someone you don't even know online no wonder I think social media can be a scary place cuz you never know what's going to happen
I'm not trying to scare anybody ,, it's just what I think about online stuff ,
Everything has changed throughout the years
I miss the good old days ,, but I keep looking forward continuing my life

What's the point of wasting my breath and time writing all of this it's a waste of time it is a way to make any sense if anyone is reading this or if anyone's ever there to say a word to me ,,,

I am leaving this app one day I'm just done. , I have lots of reasons why but I don't feel like talking about it


8 months ago   6 views   1 frames


  Holy ✝️ Mr.London,✝️, carto...

The Shape Trio!

I have lost over 40 different accounts I used to have over 700 followers I keep losing them hopefully I don't lose this account
Back then I actually draw pretty good mostly FNAF stuff
Now I make stories for a living

I had this one friend on the app that always motivate me and kept me in a good mood and told me to never give up and never quit but he's gone now

8 months ago   Reply
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