Holy ✝️ Mr.London,✝️, carto...

Just open up a new coffee shop in the city ,,, I make the best stuff in the entire universe,,, please come by I got stuff that can keep you awake in the morning 🌄

The stuff that I sell and make

Regular coffee $1
Decaf coffee. $2
Rainbow cupcakes all types of flavors $5
The super pumpkin Kool-Aid latte $10
The universal slushie $7
The giant donuts $6.99
Every donut flavor $4.10
Different flavors of coffee ☕ $8
Pumpkin latte $1
Fruit punch ice cream $6
Chocolate chip and mint and vanilla and ice cold milkshake. $15
The giant Coca-Cola bottle $20
The mega hot dog and burgers they come together $7
The giant giant donut $18
A coffee that's mixed in with 50 different flavors $19
French toast $3
Cinnamon candy corn coffee $8
Mint chocolate cake $9
Grandma special cookies $5
The great surprise mystery milkshake $10
Mystery cupcake $6
The coffee made in Mars $15
Every flavor of ice cream $20
A giant box of Oreos $10
A humongous Oreo $30
Just a bunch of Oreos $10
One Oreo cake $15
A bag of Oreos $5
Chinese food $15
Spanish food $8
The best noodles in the entire universe $9
Free puppies and cats
The magical cupcakes $7
Banana smoothie $9
Apple milkshake $11
A humongous banana $5
The coffee from the great beyond $3
Fruit baskets $1
A powerful drink from the heavens $40 yeah it's very expensive it's hard to make ,,


8 months ago   7 views   1 frames   1 Like


  Holy ✝️ Mr.London,✝️, carto...

Nadhir the brain zombie🇵🇸

Here you go 🍨 , this ice cream can never melt in the Sun

8 months ago   Reply
  Nadhir the brain zombie🇵🇸

Gimme one ice cream pls

8 months ago   Reply (1)

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