🦴🩸🍝 ~ ° MeatPlate ° ~ 🍝🩸🦴

{ - Rain - }

“ “ I was walking to school with my friend when it started raining. “Let’s take a shortcut down this alley!” She said. Kindly, I refused. “Don’t complain when I get there before you!” She replied, and walked down the alleyway. The rain vanished as if magic. I didn’t mind it at first, but later, after school, the news stated that a girl was found dead walking to school in an alleyway. My heard dropped. The next day, I was going to buy some coffee when I saw a man in the distance. Once again, it poured rain. This time, harder than yesterday. I ran away until the man was no longer in sight. It stopped raining. On the weekend, I was at home alone. My boyfriend called, and it began raining cats and dogs. I haven’t seen him in a while, and he was also sad about my friend dying in the alleyway. So, I answered. “Can I come over to your place? I’m bored.” He asked, sounding tired and worn out. It rained harder and harder. I answered yes. “Nice. I’ll be over soon.” He replied. Then, I heard a knock on the door. “The door’s unlocked!” I yelled out. Suddenly, as I heard the door creak open and closed, it rained blood. The last thing I ever saw and heard was the knife coming out of his pocket.

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