🩶PalPrim🖤 (Break)

Stay colorful 🎨

I’ve been dreading this cause i knew it was coming.
I’m going on a break for an indefinite period of time
I’m will comment [Possibly.]

-Stress from Saca
- Mother issues
- Loss of motivation

It’s too much and just having no one to talk to about it is fucking killing me.
You guys can say you’ll talk to me about it and try and sympathize and it helps a lot but it’s just too much sometimes, and I need time.
I love you guys with my heart and soul.
Ive grown severly attached to some of you guys and i don’t think i should because that’s not healthy.
I need time
I need to heal
And most of all I need to separate from some of my attachments
It’s a platonic attachment and nothing bad comes from it but when I lose people suddenly for things it hurts
And i get too stressed out
I need to separate.

Stay safe.
Stay healthy.
Stay colorful ❤️

2 days ago   59 浏览量   2 框架   11 喜欢


  SammyIsCool ™️

Take your time 💖

1 days ago   回复

I have mother issues togfhjooo

2 days ago   回复
  ⋆☾╶⃝⃤☽⋆Zeze (Leader of Zees...

I'm gonna miss you so much I hope you come back soon I relate to you so much i wanna quit but Im attached to this app too much I'm here for you dude, we all are

2 days ago   回复
  (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ cookie 🍪

Stay safe! I hope u come back collected and peaceful. Enjoy this space for as long as u have it!

2 days ago   回复
  🎀~!Princess!~🎀 (Cherry)

Stay safe and healthy, rest well💗✨
I hope whatever issues you’re currently facing will get better soon ❤️

2 days ago   回复

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