Lmao reading old texts
I wanted to see how fucking stupid i was for being with my ex
“Your 15 people at our age only think about sex it’s scientific”
Because i told him i didnt want our relationship to be based on fucking sexual shit and i wanted to slow down
“Maybe ill just go look at other girls then”
The crazy thing is i didnt break up with him then
I broke up with him after he touched me even though i told him multiple times i didnt want that shit
He tried to apologize but like my sensors kicked in that something was wrong
He gave off school shooter vibes when i broke up w/ him
The worst part is i got back with him after that because i thought i still loved him
Then abt 2 weeks later we broke up again and he moved fuckin schools
In conclusion im fucking stupid
Like how did i not see the signs?
Love is blind who? Dont know her clearly im the only blind bitch here
Im 17 now and my oh my id still kick even my 15 year old self’s ass
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