
Intervieuw #1: demon men in real life

Izr (zoe): Today were here with an formidable kid who makes cartoons called Demon Men and more but he wants to answer my interview-questions and now are the answers public so now we start.

First question: Why did u join animemaker?

Demon men: To answer the first question I really I wanted to animate in a different source I'm a cartoon animator and I just really wanted to be part of a community.

Second question: What was ur first series

Demon men: To answer the second question my first series was demon time.

Third question: Should u ever make these vs animes again?

Demon men: To answer your third question would I yes.

Fourth question: Are u an actual part of the Roblox fandom?

Demon men: Yes I am a part of the Roblox community.

final question: Do u still make Hilter memes?

Demon men: So to answer your final question at as long as I live I'm going to dress up as Hitler when I get my high school end of the year photo 😀

Izr (zoe): Ok that was all of it vieuwers. Now is u enjoyed it ur allowed to like but ur also allowed to not! Thats everything, bye!


7 months ago   12 views   5 frames



Israela hi its me Chubito

2 months ago   Reply


yes, THE izr but semi-active

7 months ago   Reply
[user is deactivated]
7 months ago   Reply

Haha XD

7 months ago   Reply

izr is BACK?!?!?!!!?_"8+$"6$"85$*86*6(4$(74$+(_*

7 months ago   Reply (1)

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