Regretevator oc!!

This is a non binary sibling of folly (they are basically a sibter, sibling mixed with brother)
They basically trap folly in the fanmade floor i made "Do NOT save folly" and if you take folly out of the cage afterwards you are basically taken to the eternal limbo floor as the do not save folly floor ends, but the sky is blue, only the brother is standing on follys thin cylinder, folly stands on the wide cylinder (basically where the players are at in the normal eternal limbo floor) so the blue-sky eternal limbo floor is called "Corrupted error limbo" and then ima real the ocs name in 3..2..1.. "Max" so max says 1 dialogue which is "Folly, why did they save you."
So the players watch folly go through a sewing painful excrutiating boss fight w max
so then max teleports infront of folly and gives a finisher cutscene so uhh i cant describe the whole finisher because it would be graphic alot but ill show what he looks like in these 2 floors


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