

Hey! Are you stressed out or you feel nervous and anxieted? Then, go to your favorite spot, it might be your room, a place under a tree, or a sofa for example. Have a deep breath, and (at least try to) calm down.

You don't have to be anywhere, and the world doesn't stop, if you sit down for a minute and have time for yourself. The only thing that matters in your life, is you, so take care of yourself and believe in a better future. Surround yourself with people you love and never lose hope on life, even if its on its hardest.
And if you're at your lowest point don't break down and lose hope. Remember, that only way is up, and so you will go no matter what. There will be light that comes trough the darkness and takes you away from the sadness and brings you to the light. You are not alone, and you'll be loved always.

I made this so you could know that there's people who care about you and that its gonna get better.
When I lost a close person of mine, I realised how important this message is.

I hope this helps someone and makes them feel better. Bye!β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή


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