Drama. (LONG TEXT)
So basically my best friend who is a guy asked me out on Friday. Might not sound bad but here's why it is;
So me and my other best friend, let's call her lex, we're in our 2nd class of the day with each other and my other best friend, let's call him jay, was there too. He told me and lex that he has a crush on someone again. (He recently broke up with my SA commiter.) He wouldn't directly tell us who, but he started giving appearance attributes. Next thing you know, it only comes down to two people in our college year; me and my girlfriend. Now, he knows I just got with my girlfriend because he was one of the first I told. After he gave us the description, he said he'd tell me who it was in the hallway. Next thing you know, he says it's me. But, before he told me he liked me like that, he said he didn't want to ask out the girl because they were already with someone, and that he was just going to wait until they break up. Which hits hard knowing that he was talking about me and my girlfriend. So, I told my other two friends and I told my gf, Sari. Sari got way more pissed than I did and now won't talk to him at all. I would've been fine if he'd just confess normally, but the way he worded things was just wrong. So yeah. I'm in a pickle now lol
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