Thunderbuzz Official!~

A very important announcement on myself.

Remember the times where I went all crazy and immature and all that? I was younger back then. Now I wanted to reveal who I am to all of you. I am autistic, and I may behave what I wasn't supposed to. I may be immature, but that's just part of my autism. Please do not bully me. I am just a 11 year old who loves to animate and draw and has autism. Please do not hack into my account or say really mean things to me. I know that I've regretted my past before, I just wanna say that I am really sorry if I am harsh before. Do not bully me. Thanks for reading and I hope you understand me better and why I behave like that in the past. Sorry, everyone. I didn't mean to hurt you. It was my autism.

1 weeks ago   3 浏览量   1 框架


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