Meis Rozik 𑁍ࠬܓ

Why is skincare so hard

Remember that one time I told you about trying out a ‘clay’ face mask? Yea, forget it, it’s shit.
It only broke me out more, as I wasn’t already looking like a pimple mess. Either the mask was shitty, or my skin just doesn’t tolerate any face masks at all, bevause I tend to break out from sheet masks as well.
I have always identified my skin as an oily one, but sho knows, maybe it’s also a sensitive one
Btw, do you also have that one feeling, when you want to try out a new skincare product u think is good, but at the same time you’re afraid, that it will make your skin worse or that it will be too expensive or that you don’t want to throw out your old products, cuz money has been spent on them, even tho they break you out?


5 months ago   17 浏览量   3 框架   3 喜欢



My routine is basically washing my face with face wash and put sirum on—

5 months ago   回复

My skincare routine is only like washing my face with water every now and then 😭🙏

sometimes I feel like doing a lil more to prevent pimples n shit but usually I don’t even bother 🗿
Pray for me pimples gonna be wildin when puberty

5 months ago   回复

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