Yoshka☆ (blue/opal/the silly)

Two's wiki page bc y not

Battle for Dream Island Wiki

Battle for Dream Island Wiki


Your Royalty (Robot Flower)
Moron (Firey Jr.)
Legal name
Two Integer
Host (TPOT)
GenderlessSymbol Genderless (They/Them)
Episode count
Lime Green (body)
Mint Green (limbs)
Black (outline)

Islamic Green (body)
Black (outline)
Likes Dislikes
Showing Off Their Limitless Power
Themed Food
Hey Two!
Getting eaten by fish
Cheesecake being ruined
Their plates being in the canal
Being insulted
When contestants want to join a team other than Team 2
Positive relationships Negative relationships
All contestants (most of the time)
Announcer (possibly)
X (best bud)
Gaty (possibly best friends)
Profily (possibly)
Golf Ball
Nine ("Why is the BFDI Mouth everywhere?", non-canon)
Four (frenemies) [TPOT6]+
Barf Bag
Winner [TPOT10]+
One (old friend, allegedly)
Three (friend, allegedly, as mentioned by One)
MePhone4 (Non-canon)
Four (arch-enemy, Four's side, before [TPOT6])
Everyone (formerly) [TPOT1]
Robot Flower (on Robot Flower's side) [TPOT7]
Tree (Two’s side) [TPOT8]
All of the EXITors (one-sided, the EXITors' side) [TPOT11]
Winner (One-Sided, on Winner's side, before [TPOT10])
Fourteen (non-canon)
Mickey Mouse (Mickey's side, non-canon)
Mouth (non-canon)
Death count Kill count
2 14
First time speaking
"The Escape From Four"
First appearance
"X Finds Out His Value" (asset only, full appearance scrapped)
The Number Playground Chronicle! (as a character)
Canon to BFDI
"The Glistening” (as a recommended character) (likely separate character)
"The Escape From Four" (as a host)

Voiced by
Niall Burns
Baking cakes
Writing (possibly)
“ Now that that's taken care of, we can finally start the battle for The Power of TwoooooOOOOO! ”

— Two, "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?"

Two is an algebralian and the host of the fifth season of BFDI, Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two (alternatively known as TPOT or BFDI:TPOT). Two was first planned to appear in the video "X Finds Out His Value" in 2008, but was cut and didn't appear properly until The Number Playground Chronicle!. Two made their first canonical appearance of BFDI in "The Escape from Four".

Two is a green Arabic numeral 2, drawn in the same style as Four and X albeit more fluently. Two's face is located on the upper section of their body, unlike Four and X, whose faces are located on the middle of their bodies.

The Number Playground Chronicle! (Goiky By Zero Integer)

Two is sloppily drawn.
Two has limbs.
Two isn't coloured.
X Finds Out His Value (storyboard)

Two has no visible limbs.
Two is sentient.
X Finds Out His Value

Two is not sentient and has no limbs or face.
Two is colored dark green.

Two now has limbs.
Two is a brighter, less saturated shade of green.
Two is more sloppily drawn.

Two is less sloppily drawn (using mostly tweens and cleaner lines)
Hey Two! (Cake at stake form)

Two’s skin has a much lighter tone.
Two has no outline.
Two is paper themed.
Two has no eyebrows.
Thanks for 2,000,000 subscribers! (Whiteboard form) (non-canon)

Two is not colored in.
Two has a thick, green outline (same color as body).
TPOT 9 (zombie):

Two is a sickly green color.
Two’s limbs are the same color as their body.
Two in the style of early BFB (TPOT 10)
Two in the style of early BFB (TPOT 10)
Two wearing a bracelet (TPOT 4)
Two wearing a bracelet (TPOT 4)
Two wearing a Tutu ("TWO OF THEM!? - BFDI X Inanimate Insanity 2023 Event")
Two wearing a Tutu ("TWO OF THEM!? - BFDI X Inanimate Insanity 2023 Event")
Two as a recommended character (BFDI 21)
Two as a recommended character (BFDI 21)
Two's appearance in "The Number Playground Chronicle!" (Goiky by Zero Integer)
Two's appearance in "The Number Playground Chronicle!" (Goiky by Zero Integer)
One of Two’s unused crudely drawn poses in BFB 16 seen off-screen in the FLA files.
One of Two’s unused crudely drawn poses in BFB 16 seen off-screen in the FLA files.
Two with a white outline. (Intro)
Two with a white outline. (Intro)
Two as a zombie (TPOT 9)
Two as a zombie (TPOT 9)
"Two-Meal/Two Sandwich" (TPOT 6)
"Two-Meal/Two Sandwich" (TPOT 6)
Paper-animation styled Two (Hey Two!)
Paper-animation styled Two (Hey Two!)
Two as a whiteboard drawing ("Thanks for 2,000,000 subscribers!")
Two as a whiteboard drawing ("Thanks for 2,000,000 subscribers!")
Two's scrapped appearance in the storyboard of "X Finds Out His Value"
Two's scrapped appearance in the storyboard of "X Finds Out His Value"
Two as a recommended cave drawing. (BFB 19)
Two as a recommended cave drawing. (BFB 19)
A two plush.
A two plush.
Two with a bottle of milk in their hand and with a nightcap on. (TPOT 13)
Two with a bottle of milk in their hand and with a nightcap on. (TPOT 13)
Two usually shows a friendly and optimistic disposition, firstly greeting the competitors while approaching from space and maintaining a positive mood as they advertise their show to the other contestants. They also like to show off their powers to the contestants, and even promised to give their powers to them only if they join Two's show. However, Two isn't devoid of negative traits as they can also be arrogant and mean, as they grin smugly when the contestants leave Four, use their powers to attack them and how eager they were to get rid of Four (even saying "Finally!" when he was gone). Two also tends to lose their cool and gets irritated when they get interrupted or are kept waiting.

They are also somewhat lazy, as they don't try fixing the damage caused in "Chapter Complete" despite having immense power, and don't start the competition until told.

Two is shown to be a more easygoing, casual host. Compared to Four, they are nowhere near as sadistic and act very reasonably to the contestants most of the time. Two also seems to care for their In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?," they were genuinely concerned for Are You Okay after they fell from a tall height. Two occasionally has their moments of rudeness, such as laughing at Rubber Spatula for having the least votes to join. And even in that instance, Two felt bad when Rubber Spatula felt that nobody liked them.

However, Two's more passive approach leaves them susceptible to getting pushed around by the contestants when they mess something up, as shown at the end of TPOT 1 when they were beat up by the contestants due to them not explaining the challenge properly. Two can also be cryptic at times, similar to Four, such as when they don't clearly explain the token they give to Pin in "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life". They are also shown to be more empathetic, unlike Four, as shown in "The Seven Wonders of Goiky", where unlike the BFB host, Two does care about Clock's relation with Winner and gives him a chance at restoring his old relationship with them.

Like most algebraliens, Two is sensitive at times and gets offended easily, such as in "Category One" where Two gets upset after Pencil said she wanted to join CloudYAY. They burst into tears because she didn’t want to join Team 2.

In the non-canon short, "Pie Vs Pi: The Pi Day Massacre", they're the only algebralien on the scene to show any level of concern when Pie is being attacked by Pi (unlike the cynical Eight and the apathetic Six) and are genuinely happy when a Zero decides to take action.

Powers and abilities
Two's powers are collectively called The Power of Two, which is the prize and title of their show.

Ultipotence: (most likely): Two and other characters have claimed multiple times that their power is limitless. If Two's claim of limitless power is true, they would be virtually omnipotent in the power aspect of omnipotence. Two have yet to show the true capabilities of their power, using it for pretty mundane purposes so far. It could be speculated that Two, using their true power, could have unrestricted control over fundamental forces including space, time, matter, and energy. Their Limitless power would give them universal levels of means at their disposal. Overall, Two is essentially a godly character who could hold the universe in the palm of their hands.
Ultimate-level reality-warping: Two is truly a mighty being. Being able to control most if not all existence. Letting them do practically anything they want.
Telekinesis: Is able to move the Bathrooms up out of the ground, revealing a hotel, as well as move lava, a forest, and the contestants around to their will.
Flight: Flew to Goiky upon their arrival in The Escape from Four and flew around and onto the Hotel in You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?
Heat resistance: Survived re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere without any visible burns.
Teleportation: In every other TPOT episode, Two is shown to be able to teleport. they can also teleport others, which they use to eliminate contestants and transport contestants to challenge areas.
Force field generation: In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Two created a force field which prevented anybody who was already at the top of the building to go back down.
Plant Life creation: In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Two recreated the grass and trees after they were destroyed earlier from the lava. They can also customize the colors, shown by making the grass yellow, and the tree leaves green (which leaves Remote dissatisfied after she said the grass is green and the trees are yellow).
Jump-boost: In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Two can jump all the way up from the ground to the top of the Hotel with ease.
Malleability: Two can stretch their limbs to long distances.
Intangibility: Two can phase through solids as seen in "Chapter Complete", and in "The Great Goikian Bake-Off".
Extreme durability: Survived getting crushed by the moon in the The Great Goikian Bake-Off.
Self-duplication (non-canon): In the first part of "BFDI: Twosday", Two can duplicate themselves.
Transmutation: Can transform objects such as the sun into different things, such as a hovering spike ball.
Super-strength: In TPOT 3, Two tests "The Strongest Team on Earth's contraption and they said it was to test strength, and when Two punched the box, it went really far.
Size Manipulation: Can grow and/or shrink contestants with their hands, as seen in "The Great Goikian Bake-Off". They can also control other objects' size, as seen in "The Seven Wonders of Goiky".
Water-walking: In "The Great Goikian Bake-Off", when Donut throws Two into the ocean, Two doesn't sink but instead hovers over the water.
Creation and destruction of non-living objects: In "The Great Goikian Bake-Off", a watch appears on Two's hand, and then disappears. In Oneirophobe’s Nightmare, they materialize a cake out of thin air.
Super Hearing: Although it wasn't in action yet, in The Seven Wonders of Goiky, Two states that they can hear Fanny, who was at the desert at the time, from the Grasslands, regardless whether she was yelling for them.
Transformation (non-canon): In Thanks for 2,000,000 Subscribers!, Two, nervous that the algebraliens will find out that they freed Fourteen and divided him into two sevens, turned into a drawing on the whiteboard.
Entering different dimensions (non-canon): Two can switch from one dimension to another, as seen in "Thanks for 2,000,000 subscribers", where they enter a whiteboard as a drawing without any complications.
Trans-lens Creation: Created portal-like mirrors that reveal sight from other locations, in Outbreak At Stake.
Dream Manipulation: Two can force certain dreams on others, as well as put objects into other's dreams, in Oneirophobe's Nightmare.
Limb Reposition: Two, as a zombie, can reposition their limbs about at free will, making their legs be on their head.
Electronic Creation: Two can create electronical devices out of thin air. Like the voting screen guy from What's Up Bell's String.
Creation Sentience: Along side the electronic creation, two also gives sentience to said voting screen guy


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I wonder how many hyperlinks are in twos wiki page

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