
Something crazy only happens in friday

Today after school, I was waiting for the bus with my 4 classmates, and then three 3th or 2th grade girls came to wait for the bus too, we waited and I was on my phone since I had internet from my school anyways one of my classmates grabbed a pigeon but the pigeon couldn't fly and it was old anyways she feeded it and me and other classmates and those three girl patted the pigeon then she let it go and the pigeon walked away, then one of the girls with the glasses on tried to pet it again and the pigeon got scared and it tried to fly away but ended up on the road and it almost got hit by a first car but we all yelled it to fly away then I tried to get it off the road and stepped on the road but as I almost approched it, then the second car probably didn't see the pigeon and accidentally hit it and then I was in shock and stepped back, I wasn't traumatized by it and idk why but I just think I was fucked in the head for not being traumatized by it but the rest of the girls and my classmates were traumatized and the girl in glasses started crying.
Dang I wrote this like a book 💀


5 months ago   8 views   1 frames   1 Like



Bro I would also kinda be traumatized poor pigeon

5 months ago   Reply

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