ENTRY 5: Will o’ wisp
the will o’ wisps are flying spirits that like to be around swamps
there are two types of wisps
the good will o wisps and the evil will o wisps
the good wisps guide lost people back to where they come from
they attack anything bad (for example: a big sand guy) and they like to be in groups
they are most powetful in groups as they can jumble together into 1 big wisp
the evil wisps misguide lost ppl and like to cause lots of chaos
they are very destructive in groups
they can make trees fall in groups and can pick up a whole bridge in groups
these types of wisps are very dangerous
they attack anything they see unless it’s something bad
the will o’ wisps like to be in trees
they also occasionally play hide n seek
the evil will o’ wisps can also corrupt trees and they can make corrupt forests
that’s all I really know about these entities so uhhh bye - RTC
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