ENTRY 11: M450N
M450N is an entity that resides in The Void and when hungry it’ll go into buildings and request sacrifices to eat
the sacrifices must be edible and if a sacrifice is not edible it’ll grab the person who gave it and eat them
once M450Ns stomach is full it’ll leave and go back to The Void
if it doesn’t get fed after 1 hour of waiting for sacrifices it’ll eat the closest person
if it’s fed something it’s allergic to M450N will make the whole building collapse
here are some foods that it’s allergic to:
and dandelions
and if M450N gets fed something it likes it’ll give a random item from its hat
here are stuff that M450N likes:
and fish
if fed coffee it’ll be caffeinated and will always give 5 gold bars
that’s all I know about this entity for now goodbye - RTC
(idk if I should put a TW for gore it’s just blood)
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