
The Piece That Was Never Liked With Others

Accordingly this represents how people see and look at something, no matter what the art changes it about itself it would still have that mixed up color with it, people obverse things and sense their reaction to it, the more it tries to change it self the more ruined it gets!!

I did an experiment by changing the background and character design by first making it feel happy and having a smile on it, the background was clean, yet unliked enough, which I then changed the small characters to the bottom being melted and the full on character being upset, still nothing!! ;o; (“symbolising melting can often be associated with a sense of loss or change”)

Until I then decide to shade the background and maybe add some little white lines and some black little lines on it as well!! I showed it to my partner! He thought it was wacky!! And I agree as well!! It did look pretty wacky as for what it as well and also along also was!! ☺️ (he means this in a positive way!!❤️)

Yet, no matter what or how you change yourself, there is stuff that won’t change and stuff that will, You are taking yourself apart, no matter how kind you are or what you do to make people happy for the times you change yourself, it will destroy you. You changing for others in a way to just get along with others and feel included, please know that you are always valued for who you are, you are loved and you will always matter to someone. Even if you don’t hear them say it to you or anything along like that, you matter and you will always matter

Humans are like art, they can be pretty. But they can be ruined easy for how many colors they try to add to their self

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The first people that I used for observation were my siblings, I showed it to them and they asked me why did it look like that and asked if that was me!! This gave me the idea to make this sort of representation and see how destroyed I can make it until they find it pretty and interesting enough!! Or if it would be liked within with the features I changed :]

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