InkBlaze16 (sister)

Bye… My lung cancer won

For all those wondering why I’ve been so down lately is bc I have lung cancer…

And this morning my doctor said I have 13 hours left…

If you’re reading this… Look up and you might see me.


I’ll miss you all…


2 months ago   815 浏览量   1 框架   124 喜欢




Well he gives a warning abt his account, even I post some anatomy art for educational purposes! I give warnings too, so the kids should be following the warnings. I look at his account sometimes to spot a difference between male and female bodies, not for bad purposes, thank you 🧚‍♀️

2 weeks ago   回复

InkBlaze16 (sister)

I'm sorey people are going after your brother, just let him rest in peace

2 weeks ago   回复
  InkBlaze16 (sister)

Heard 🔞(I post nsfw art. DE...

Oml, there’s a thing called family, our uncle stayed with us a lot and he smokes all the time, and my little brother always hanged out with him and got very ill! So fuck off!

2 weeks ago   回复 (2)

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