🩷• Mental Heath Disorder’s That Aren’t Talk About Enough
⚠️ Do not assume that you have any of these. If you are thinking you have one of these mental heath disorders please set up an appointment with your psychiatrist. Or, please do straight more forward information than reading what is said here. These symptoms can be dangerous, harmful and potentially can lead up to serious health consequences without a diagnosis completely shown. Let me rephrase and repeat what I said, do NOT diagnose yourself just because of one or two symptom’s, if you think you have any of these shown, please talk to your psychiatrist to get a proper diagnosis then make an assumption.
‼️ • None of the writing is made or along by me, as i'm spreading awareness, these should and need to be talked about more. I consider nothing that I wrote here mine or made by me, all of the writing, explanation are used for education and awareness.
Further note, all disorders should be discussed and treated seriously, these are serious and damaging disorders. Please know that you matter and that you are completely along loved for no matter what whether disorder, disability, or anything at all, you are loved. And you are important ❤️
🩷 • DPDR (aka such as well and also known disorder depersonalization/derealization disorder.)
What is exactly DPDR? Here’s a few information about what it is and how it is caused by.
DPDR s a mental disorder in which the person has persistent or recurrent feelings of depersonalization and/or derealization. Depersonalization is described as feeling disconnected or detached from one's self, Individuals experiencing derealization may report perceiving the world around them as foggy, dreamlike, surreal, and/or visually distorted. This occurs by early childhood trauma, specifically emotional abuse and neglect have been linked to the development of depersonalization symptoms.
Feelings of depersonalization and derealization are common from significant stress or panic attacks. Individuals may remain in a depersonalized state for the duration of a typical panic attack. However, in some cases, the dissociated state may last for hours, days, weeks, or even months at a time. “In rare cases, symptoms of a single episode can last for years.”
Diagnostic criteria for depersonalization-derealization disorder includes persistent or recurrent feelings of detachment from one's mental or bodily processes or from one's surroundings.
⭐️(More information on DPDR and what it is on https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10132272/)
🩷 C-PTSD (Also known as Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.)
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD, C-PTSD or cPTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop if you experience chronic (long-term) trauma. It involves stress responses, such as: Anxiety,
Having flashbacks or nightmares, Avoiding situations, places and other things related to the traumatic event. Heightened emotional responses, such as impulsivity or aggressiveness, Persistent difficulties in sustaining relationships, While CPTSD is often associated with chronic trauma in childhood, adults who experience chronic trauma can also develop the condition. Examples of chronic trauma include: Long-term child physical or sexual abuse, Long-term domestic violence, Being a victim of human or sex trafficking, War, And Frequent community violence.
“Yet what’s the difference between PSTD and C-PSTD?” I’m glad that you as well and also asked!
The main differences between PTSD and CPTSD are the length of trauma and the symptoms. Traditionally, experts thought PTSD generally developed from short-term trauma, such as a vehicle accident or a natural disaster. With research, they realized that people who experience long-term, repeated trauma tend to have other symptoms in addition to the symptoms of PTSD. Both CPTSD and PTSD involve symptoms of psychological and behavioral stress responses, such as flashbacks, hypervigilance and efforts to avoid distressing reminders of the traumatic event(s). People with CPTSD typically have additional symptoms, including chronic and extensive issues with People with CPTSD typically have additional symptoms, including chronic and extensive issues with: Emotion regulation, Identity and sense of self, and relationships.
⭐️ (More information on C-PSTD and how it works https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/amp/article/complex-ptsd)
🩷 • OCPD
OCPD has some of the same symptoms as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). People with OCD have unwanted thoughts, while people with OCPD believe that their thoughts are correct. In addition, OCD often begins in childhood while OCPD usually starts in the teen years or early 20s.
People with either OCPD or OCD are high achievers and feel a sense of urgency about their actions. They may become very upset if other people interfere with their rigid routines. They may not be able to express their anger directly. People with OCPD have feelings that they consider more appropriate, like anxiety or frustration.
A person with OCPD has symptoms of perfectionism that usually begin by early adulthood. This perfectionism may interfere with the person's ability to complete tasks because their standards are so rigid. They may withdraw emotionally when they are not able to control a situation. This can interfere with their ability to solve problems and form close relationships. Other signs of OCPD include: Over-devotion to work, Not being able to throw things away, even when the objects have no value, Lack of flexibility, Lack of generosity, Not wanting to allow other people to do things, Not willing to show affection, Preoccupation with details, rules, and lists.
⭐️(More information on OCPD on and how it works on https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000942.htm)
As there is, many disorders that aren’t talked about enough, and used in other cases in a rude and disrespectful way. Please know that you are loved, and that you along matter. I know we have our tough times but please know that you got this, all of you got this. It may be tough at the moment and so right now, but everything will be okay, even if it feel like it right now. Please know that people care and along there to support you, if you ever need someone to talk to, please to not be afraid to speak up about your emotions or how you feel, whether it to be a friend, family member or me if you are along comfortable to speak or talk about it.
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