Gmc why are you refusing to talk about it

You deleted my comments and refuse to conversate about the matter. You banned everyone from the server like you don't want anyone to discover the things you said in fear of your popularity declining, like you're trying to keep it on the "hush hush"

You didn't even give me time to consider if I'd like to have a 1 on 1 with you. Even if I did, I feel as if you would invalidate me further, refusing to have an open mind. You've changed, and not in a good way. You used to be open minded and considerate, but your recent actions have led me to believe that your ego has been stroked so much that you've grown cocky and belligerent.

You refuse to talk to me, and delete my questions on your posts. Why?


2 months ago   62 views   1 frames   3 Like




1.Allegations my fucking ass, it's right there in plain sight dude, you're an ASSHOLE
2.pistol was already iffy about his birthday but you made it so much worse for absolutely no reason, you deserved to be ridiculed.
3.If you wont listen, everyone else will find out how shitty you are eventually on their own.
4.Saying "so your friends could pretend to be me"? wth are you on bro....you need/needed a reality check.

2 months ago   Reply


1. You already said the offer was off the table before I declined.
2. I've already read your bio, I just don't see why you continued making comments on my page. I can't contact you anywhere else, and you won't seem to accept requests on Discord, so I figured I'd ask there.
3. I have no control over what my friends do. It wasn't my choice that they did what they did. I'm also not sure what "allegations" you're talking about, but alright.
4. I also wouldn't like to talk behind the public eye because a third-party view is very valuable to me.

2 months ago   Reply

1. I do not accept drama on my account. Read that in the description
2. I gave you an offer to speak to me, not so your friends could pretend to be me and make allegations about me
3. You declined my offer to have talk behind the public eye and have dialogue.
Thank you for your time.

2 months ago   Reply (2)

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