Something serious I have to tell you when I was 9 ⚠️VENT⚠️
I wanted to kill myself luckily I didn't and if you're wondering why I wanted to is because my friend was making fun of me because of my dead mom my crush didn't like me I thought no one loved me back then but this was before I had a AM account so I didn't have people to talk to and I just went to school everyday with a smile lying to people saying that was okay but I wasn't and I was crying myself to sleep everyday without no one knowing I wasn't the greatest and I wasn't okay and I didn't tell anybody until one of my dreams Jesus sat with me on a bench and told me everything I needed to know that he loves me and he always will I changed everything and now I have a girlfriend in my life's been great so I'm saying if you feel like giving up on your life don't because just wait for your future I promise It will be better or just talk to someone I didn't but you can't so do everything in your power to make everything okay 😁 🫶
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