Life update
So after I graduate this year, probably sometime after I turn 18 which is in October, I'm dropping everything and hauling myself out to alberta!!!^_^
I currently live in Ontario, which has the highest HST percentage (%13 yikes..) and AB has the lowest!!! (5% I think??) I'm going to move in with my boyfriend and his roommates woohoo!! I've put a lot of thought into it and it's honestly the best decision I would make. I need a fresh new start, I'll miss my friends and family, but where my bf lives (not saying the area but it's a small town) I feel like I'd have a better life there, it's cheaper and people are nicer. And also I'd get to meet people from my nana's family! I don't talk to my Nana but her family is rly nice.
I've asked my tarot cards and the conclusion was that it is a great idea, but the change will be hard since the only ppl I know our there is my bf and his roommates. But for the most part, it's a good change. Bf and I want to open a tattoo shop together
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