Please stop treating me like a baby.
I don’t mean to sound rude but I don’t like being asked “arent you too young?” Or getting lectured because I make jokes or want a boyfriend (this has happened several times so no it’s not directed at anyone).
I’m being fucking for real. You might cringe when you hear me say I’m mature for my age and you might think “oh the little 12 year old thinks he’s old and wise” I do not think I’m old, or wise. I know I make a lot of stupid decisions. But I’m in the 10th grade and I keep myself safe online and in real life. And if I’m ever not safe then well there are ways to stop it.
But I am seriously not some dumb kid, I’ve been mature and overexposed and weird and lonely for a few years of my life now so recently I have decided to make an effort to be more normal, more like a kid, make dirty jokes and hang out with my friends, that kind of stuff. Not even to mention the amount of stress I deal with on an everyday basis. My mom and the internet have told me way too many things about the world so I’m not trying to be quirky or something when I say I’m overexposed. And I’ve been going through puberty for a while so it’s only natural for me to be.. *cough* hormonal.
I know what I’m doing. And I don’t need to be told I could make mistakes along the way because life is full of mistakes and my parents didn’t let me make enough of them in my childhood because I’m so sheltered, but mistakes are the only way you LEARN anything. Not from being told “don’t do this,” from DOING that and saying “I regret it, I’ll make sure that never happens again.” I cannot stress enough that I don’t need to be lectured online because I’m pretty sure you guys know I’m not listening anyway.
I understand that you guys are trying to protect me, and I appreciate it. Really, thank you for your concern. BUT…
TL;DR: respectfully, I prefer if you keep your advice about my personal life to yourself unless I ask for it, thank you for coming to my ted talk/j
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