rayne 0<0 (leader of cola c...

teen jripes: whatcha watching~))teen nwa: porn))teen jripes: what!?!?!))teen nwa: im watching youtube it was a joke!!!!!

Wut the fak

6 years ago   16 浏览量   1 框架


  rayne 0<0 (leader of cola c...

teen nwa:*hugs jripes*))teen jripes: ./////.

6 years ago   回复
  Jasmin Ro'mave/ / call me ...

Teen Peaches: thx Nwa -smiles- •~ Jock: Heya cutie •~ Teen peaches: ....

6 years ago   回复
  rayne 0<0 (leader of cola c...

teen nwa:*runs up to the boys and punches them* grr!!

6 years ago   回复
  Jasmin Ro'mave/ / call me ...

Teen Peaches: -getting hit on by a bunch of boys at her locker- uh

6 years ago   回复

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