Sharpo the penguin

Teen Jeff: ...

6 years ago   176 浏览量   1 框架


  Sharpo the penguin

Teen Jeff: oh *hic* god... // Jeff: <:'T

6 years ago   回复
  Sharpo the penguin

Jeff: uh are you ok? // Teen jeff: I'm *hic* fiiiine

6 years ago   回复
  Sharpo the penguin

Teen Jeff: *hic* *covers mouth*... // Jeff: *eats some kitty cookies*...

6 years ago   回复
  Sharpo the penguin

Teen Jeff: wait!!! *Drinks alcohol* // Jeff: *drinks apple juice*

6 years ago   回复
  Sharpo the penguin

Teen Jeff: *kisses you*~ // Jeff: h-hey g-g-get of m-me!

6 years ago   回复

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