malachi omeleto

Who is Opération

Hello I'm Lady_VioletXx, if you don't know him, he is a very bad person who spams bad words, rude, weird, hate and disgusting comments on people's drawings on this app, I want no bad guys and have peace in this app but bad news, Adults that older on me is supporting that 8 years old kid saying he's just 8 years old he can do what he want but that is WRONG, kids like him should learn right attitude mostly on public places like this, there could be children here that may be affected by him, many people reported and banned him but he still commenting and I really want him to leave or change his attitude, surely he's just an attention seeker but if he became good, kind and respectful, many people will surely like him but he never got a lesson he still doesn't stop so he should better leave this peaceful app....

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