Maki ( joji my beloved )


You cant literally just avoiding its actions?? its mistakes aren’t fixable and shouldnt be forgiven about. While mine is fixable and can be forgiven. even tho if it was a “quote” its still racist as hell which is a strong word. you cant move on and forgive its ass. its literally hispanic and said an word that black people should be saying. And that’s seriously fucked up it may admitted it but it shouldn’t be forgiven i dont even know why yall are avoiding what he did. its ex girlfriend mistakes are just relationship mistakes. simple ones. thats CAN also be fixable at times. its ex girlfriend wasnt racist at all. and didnt say some slurs like him. which literally makes them the victim bro after the break up hinata started to hate ronny for what it did to them and seriously they wasted time, grades, money on it.
They really thought that buying him stuff would make it fell in love with then more but no it didnt even felt guilty for not paying back. What type of partner is that lol

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