•°• TeneBrea •°•

Every time I look at there comments it’s all “UNFOLLOW ME NOW!!” Someone please explain

I do it because I don't want his free follow- he just follows every single person to gain followers himself. He follows small creators/artists so that they would think "OMGG A FAMOUS CREATOR FOLLOWS ME! ILL FOLLOW THEM BACK!" He doesnt give a quack about you or your art.

Also because he follows almost every single porn account. He also steals ideas from other people and not give credit. Hes also disrespectful to Russia, because it's not the countries fault but Putin.

And it just pisses me off how he legit only draws stickmens that probably take 20 minutes to make and gets like 2000 views while people like @HEIZGamingYT draws things that probably take 2 hours and only gets like 50 views.

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