

oh i'm sorry what happened




He got no punishment. He doesnt feel remorse. I feel hell every single day. I have no shoulder to cry on,or no one to open up to. I wouldn't dare say shit to my school because all they care about is my grades not my crimpling self suffering in physical and emotional abuse. But apparently hes "family" and I have to forgive him. He called me names multiple times,Dumbass,Retard,fucking idiot over and over.

2 years ago   Reply (2)


I went downstairs and went to onto my couch for a bit. My brother's fishing rods were scattered on the couch so I told him to move them because I know I would be dead if I moved them. He came in there,didn't move them and yelled at me. He cussed for minutes and when I told him to move them he yelled more,knocked down my mothers expensive glass candle that was gifted for her birthday. He threatened me with a very sharp knife,maybe 5-8 inchs. He picked up a smaller one,tried throwing it at me it ended up hitting my foot. I was also told I wasn't allowed to leave either so I went upstairs. He also knocked down a couple other things. He screamed that I made a mess over and over to my sister. I said nothing and sat in my room for the rest of the day.

2 years ago   Reply

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