β™‘Andrewβ™‘ 🀭

Eres asombroso

Welcome πŸ‘‹ to πŸ™‚ your πŸ’… life πŸ‘There's 😢 no πŸ™… turning β†ͺ back πŸ”ƒ Even 😐 while πŸ™ we πŸ™‹Β  sleep 😴 We πŸ™‹ will 😌 find πŸ‘Ή you πŸ’… Acting 😯 on ⬇ your πŸ’…Β  best πŸ˜ƒ behaviour 😀 Turn β†ͺ your πŸ’… back πŸ”ƒ on ⬇ mother πŸ‘© nature 🌲 Everybody πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¦Β  wants πŸ™ƒ to πŸ™‚ rule πŸ‘‘ the πŸ˜„ world 🌍

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