

How about you get a life, I bet you waste your days away staring at the screen fucking playing with yourself hoping that you get a girl

Also stop making up stupid shit like you got bars, I didn’t admit that i have a fucking love life with Zimick I just said it in a damn comment that you didn’t read because you have short term memory loss

I bet right now your face is red as fuck covered in snot and tears wondering why I’m not giving up

And you copy me with long paragraphs like your the shit,newsflash dumb ass. You aren’t!

Go do something else with your time because I have fucking had it

Go fuck your dog, your sister, just leave me the fuck alone

I didn’t want to get in a fight with some low life loser at 12:00 with an hour past when I’m supposed to sleep

My parents are going to fucking scream at me when I get off, there are you fucking happy?

Are you satisfied with me barely living life every single day? With my mom yelling at me as I type this?

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