

Here are some suggestions and HOW they could be drawn
•Aurophobia, someone made of gold
•Trypophobia, someone with holes everywhere
•Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, Someone covered in long words
•Globophobia, someone face on the balloon
•Coulrophobia, make a new one and colour it in
•Hemophobia, Someone covered in blood
•Chromophobia, someone rainbow
•Chrometophobia, Someone either made of money or in dollar notes
•Apiphobia, Just like the arachnophobia one
•Aquaphobia, someone made of water
•Homophobia, Don't draw it
•Islamophobia, Don't draw it
•Aichmophobia, someone made of blades needles and other stuff
•Arithmophobia, Someone covered in numbers
•Nyctophobia, Someone In the dark

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