

Those are so good advices and I’ll try them
This message from you got me tears in my eyes
This shows me that there are still some good people in this world who cares about strangers
I appreciate you so much
Thank you so much again
Today I went to that girl to her house and gave her a rose with a letter
The letter said that I’m so in love with her and it’s hard for me to see her change because of her boyfriend
After she read the letter I saw tears in her eyes then I cried too I gave her a last hug and went to the bus to go home
I think now she understood what I meant with ,,I love you’’
My dad hit me today so I took my headphones and went outside even though it rained
One of my fake friends came up to me today and poured soda on my head and said it was a joke so I punched him and went home
Thank you so much for helping me <3

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